Travel Insurance and Permanent Disability | Fast Cover

Travel Insurance and Permanent Disability

Travelling overseas can be adventurous and relaxing, full of fun and mystery… But things can happen at any time while travelling that can change the course of your life in a moment. Taking out travel insurance with Permanent Disability as a benefit may save you thousands of dollars to go towards recovery or to help your family with any care-taking costs.

Travel Insurance and Permanent Disability

Permanent Disability and Travel Insurance

No one wants to think about experiencing potential harm to themselves while they travel. Having a travel insurance policy that provides cover in the event that you are permanently disabled during your travels can save you and your family thousands of dollars.

Defining Permanent Disability

Permanent Disability can happen to anyone while they are travelling. There is no demographic exclusively more susceptible to becoming permanently disabled. If you are not exercising caution then you may be more likely to have an accident where permanent disability is a possibility.  

Permanent disability* and permanently disabled means:

  • you have totally lost all of the sight in one or both eyes; or the use of a hand or foot at or above the wrist or ankle; and
  • the loss is for at least 12 months; and
  • in our opinion after consultation with an appropriate medical specialist, will continue indefinitely.

What is covered with Permanent Disability Travel Insurance?

If you have a Comprehensive or Snow Sports Plus policy, Fast Cover provides cover for travellers who suffer from permanent disability for up to $50,000 AUD, and up tp $25 000 AUD for Frequent Traveller Saver policies. If you become injured during your trip and if the cause of that injury has caused you to become permanently disabled within 12 months of the injury date. There is no provision to claim for this benefit if you are disabled for reasons other than an injury.

What is not covered with Permanent Disability Travel Insurance?

There are specific criteria around permanent disability and the claims team will need to look into the circumstances that caused the Permanent Disability. There is no provision to claim for the following things under the Permanent Disability benefit:

  • Injuries caused by by self-harm.
  • Permanent disability caused by anything other than an injury
  • More than the amount set in the PDS

Still not sure if you have cover for Permanent Disability Travel Insurance?

It is always a good idea to check with your travel insurance provider if the level of cover you have purchased covers you for permanent disablement. The Comprehensive, Snow Sports Plus and Frequent Travellers Savers policies provides cover for Permanent Disability. There is no cover in the Standard Saver, Basics and Domestic Plus policies.

*All benefits are subject to the terms and conditions of the PDS Always refer to the PDS to decide if this product is right for you.


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Fast Cover - Margretta

About the author

Margretta is a content writer at Fast Cover. Having a background in Design and Fashion, Mags uses her unique flair to educate customers on travel and insurance. You can trust her. She's a 'writer'.

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