Travel Insurance Benefit 2 - Overseas Emergency Medical and Hospital Expenses

Travel Insurance Benefit 2 - Overseas Emergency Medical and Hospital Expenses

Being ill at home is never fun, and it’s even worse when you are overseas. Added to the general aggravation of having to put your trip on hold for a little while is the fact that the cost of medical attention around the world can be very expensive!

Travel Insurance Benefit 2 - Overseas Emergency Medical and Hospital Expenses

Having your Emergency Medical and Hospital Expenses covered can truly be a life saver!

No one particularly enjoys being ill at home, and it’s even worse when you’re overseas. Added to the general aggravation of having to put your trip on hold for a little while is the fact that the cost of medical attention around the world can be expensive. A night in a Singaporean hospital can cost close to $900 a night

Travel insurance can save you money

While Australian consulates may have only had to help 12, 454 Australian travellers, this is only the number of claims lodged. The number of travellers who ended up paying for their own medication or treatment is currently unknown.

What is covered under the Overseas Emergency Medical and Hospital Expenses benefit?

Overseas emergency medical insurance covers you for unexpected overseas expenses incurred during an overseas medical emergency. Whether it is a broken bone or illness, these things should be covered under your policy. It is also important to know that many hospitals overseas will not treat foreigners without a deposit first – yes, they will want a lump sum upfront unless you have travel insurance to cover you. We will reimburse you the reasonable medical and hospital expenses incurred by you until you get back to Australia if it is an acceptable claim.

Fast Cover's Overseas Emergency Medical and Hospital expenses benefit cover you for: 

  • For reasonable medical or hospital expenses incurred for your sickness or injury overseas
  • Hospital or medical expenses which has been confirmed in writing by a medical practitioner. You must ensure that you make every effort to reduce the hospital expenses to a minimum where manageable.

What is not covered under the Overseas Emergency Medical and Hospital Expenses:

  • We don’t cover any pre-existing medical conditions that are not on our list.
  • Any planned or premeditated procedures that are cosmetic or non-medical.
  • More than the benefit summary you are entitled to in our PDS.
  • If our professional advice is not met or taken.
  • If you are covered by the Reciprocal Health Care Agreement and therefore already medically covered for most expenses.
  • If we do not deem your medical expenses a 'claimable event'.

How much am I covered for Medical and Hospital Expenses?

Travellers up to the ages of 89 have unlimited* medical and hospital expenses!

What about Pre-existing Medical conditions?

A pre-existing medical condition is a medical condition of which you are aware that you have at the time that you purchase your policy. Many Australians have pre-existing medical conditions, but it doesn’t mean that you can’t get travel insurance. Our policies provide cover for both unexpected illnesses or injuries overseas and may cover for your pre-existing medical conditions if they are covered in our 43 pre-existing medical conditions.

In many cases, if there’s a medical condition you currently have or have had in the past few years, it may not be covered under a travel insurance policy.

What if my Pre-existing Medical condition is not covered?

If your pre-existing medical condition isn’t covered under your policy, and you experience a complication from your pre-existing medical condition while you are overseas, you would not be able to claim for its related hospital and medical expenses.

If you have a pre-existing medical condition and wish to be covered for that condition, you should check with your insurer whether or not they are able to cover you, to ensure that you’ll have adequate cover if you are sick or injured during your overseas trip.​

What should I do if I have a medical emergency?

If you have a medical emergency, contact the 24/7 Emergency Assistance team as soon as you are able to. The Emergency Assistance Team will be able to advise you on what you need to do, and if required, liaise with the hospital regarding your expenses.

The 24/7 Emergency Assistance number can be found on your Certificate of Insurance and also on our website. 


What else I can expect from Fast Cover's Overseas Emergency Medical and Hospital Expenses?

Our overseas medical and hospital expenses benefit is one of the key components to our insurance policies. Most travellers want to covered for the basics - medical, luggage, cancellations and delays, but what is the key element to insurance is you - the traveller. You are the one who is considered the most valuable aspect of your trip and taking out travel insurance is no different. Besides our unlimited* medical benefits for traveller under the age of 90, we offer the best medical and claims team to assist you with those uncertain times when we are sick! 

Having emergency medical and hospital expenses covered offers peace of mind for travellers who want to just get out there and enjoy their trip.

Fast Cover's overseas emergency medical expenses also provides:

  • Peace of mind knowing there are no medical assessments or tests required to take out a policy with us - we make it fast and simple for you!
  • You will be receiving high level and quality medical coverage for the full length of your trip - no need to be stressed while you are sick in hospital about your medical bills
  • 24/7 Emergency Medical Assistance which works hand in hand with our Overseas Emergency Medical and Hospital expenses benefit - our Emergency team offer high quality service in your time of need and are fully equip to assist you in the event of an emergency medical situation.

Overseas Emergency Medical and Hospital Expenses provided

If you become sick or injured overseas, our worldwide overseas emergency medical and hospital expenses benefit can provide:

  • We will reimburse up to the limits specified in our Benefit Summary in our PDS for reasonable medical or hospital expenses incurred by you until you get back to Australia if you become sick overseas.
  • Hospital or medical expenses that are caused by a claimable event confirmed in writing by a medical practitioner. We advise that you make every effort to reduce the hospital expenses to a minimum where manageable.
  • If our 24/7 Emergency Assistance team has determined that you should return to Australia for treatment and you do not agree to do so then we will pay you the amount that we determine would cover your medical expenses that had been agreed upon by our recommendation. You will then be responsible for any additional costs relating to or arising out of the event you have claimed for. 
  • We will pay only for treatment received and/or hospital accommodation overseas during the 12-month period after the sickness first manifested itself or the injury date and within the same period of cover.

Overseas Emergency Medical and Hospital Expenses NOT provided

There are some limitations to the Overseas Emergency Medical and Hospital Expenses benefits we can provide with your travel insurance. We do NOT provide emergency assistance for:

  • Any planned or premeditated procedure that are cosmetic or non-medical including complications due to already sought out treatment.
  • More than the benefit summary outlined in our PDS according to the level of cover you take.
  • If you have not notified us as soon as practical of your admission to hospital.
  • If our professional advice is not met or taken.
  • If you have had chiropractic treatment or seen as physiotherapist for more than 2 weeks unless approved by us.
  • For any costs incurred in Australia.
  • If you have received medical care that is covered by the Reciprocal Health Care Agreement between Australian and other countries. The list of countries that Australia has a Reciprocal Health Care Agreement can be found at:

Alternative assistance

  • Nominate someone who can help you in times of need
  • Contact family and friend
  • Contact the local embassy
  • Contact DFAT

*Cover is subject to the policy terms, conditions, limits and exclusions. Please note travellers over the age of 79 have a fixed medical excess.


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Fast Cover - Margretta

About the author

Margretta is a content writer at Fast Cover. Having a background in Design and Fashion, Mags uses her unique flair to educate customers on travel and insurance. You can trust her. She's a 'writer'.

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